About Me

Hi, my name is Jonas Lorincz. I am a developer currently working at SE&SI, LLC. I perform both frontend and backend development. For work I use C# and TypeScript the most, and personally experiment with Rust. I’ve settled on SvelteKit as my frontend framework of choice.

As someone interested in all facets of software, I am involved with multiple websites, APIs and their data sources, and a client desktop app. I enjoy working with a breadth of technologies and levels of abstractions - as well as creating the things I typically consume. For example, learning to create packages, APIs, etc. to be able to intuitively understand how they work and how to consume them. A generalist view over the programming landscape prevents vendor and ideological lock-ins, and I thoroughly look forward to widening my horizons further with this personal website.

This site has been proudly developed on a Debian box with Vim and/or Emacs (depending on who’s asking).